Music: Albums

Discography, Live recordings, Soundtracks for cinema, documentary films, radio and television shows and commercials, participations in events and radio broadcasts.

BY THE SEA Music for Piano

Discography project presented in July 2016.
“With BY THE SEA I’m starting a new voyage and a new adventure in my life as much as in my way of writing music: an explorative journey through my feelings to express them in the language that is most congenial for me and with my inseparable companion of adventures, the piano” (Alex Fabiani 2016).
It is a collection of 15 compositions inspired by the sea.

ANATOLE Original Soundtrack

For the WH Books International - New York, in 2015 Alex Fabiani collaborated with Tom Bilotta realizing the first book-cinema called “ANATOLE”.
It’s a new electronic format that, like a movie, allows the reader to listen to the soundtracks and at the same time to read the book. 
Alex Fabiani is the composer and the player of the whole soundtracks. 
In March 2016 “ANATOLE” has been recorded and distributed together with the book and includes all the 16 tracks.


“SOUND AND SOUL” Album was recorded during a live concert dated 22nd November 2008. 

Alex Fabiani plays an innovative repertoire dedicated to the Memory Day of his town’s fallen soldiers (Dalmine - BG) during the bomb attack in 1944. It’s a Suite structured by 7 tracks, for a total of 50 minutes of music performed on the piano. 

The Suite is opened by the well known “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Harold Arlen.